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From framing members to trim, there are so many wooden components you have to protect from the damaging effects of rot. It occurs when moisture or condensation comes into contact with wood. If left untreated, it can spread to other wood parts in and around your home. It also invites termites to feast on the infected wood, compromising the structural integrity of your property.

Preventing wood rot in your home

ABC Seamless Siding, the local contractor with positive Gutter Helmet reviews, shares these tips to prevent wood rot inside and outside your home.

Perform a Home Inspection

Allot a specific day of the year for a thorough inspection of your home for anything that could lead to rot. Check for cracks and holes in the caulking around windows and doors and cover them with a high-quality exterior caulk. Stains under eaves or on interior ceilings are a sign of a roof leak, which would require a thorough inspection and potential repair by your local roofer. Are tree branches and shrubs touching your home’s exterior? Trim them back until they’re three feet away from the siding.

Search for Wood Rot

As you inspect your home, be sure to look for wood rot. It’s not always obvious; it may occur below the wood’s outer surface and underneath intact paint layers. Probe for rot by pressing both your pointer and middle fingers on wood surfaces and see if they feel soft to the touch or if they crumble easily. Areas to inspect include window sills, door thresholds, railings, deck support posts, and the roof fascia.

Clean Your Gutters

Your home’s exterior is susceptible to rot, especially if your gutter system isn’t working properly as intended. Make sure to clean your gutters regularly to prevent clogs that could cause rainwater runoff to back up and spill onto the fascia and siding. Repair or replace detached or sagging gutter sections as well. 

Keep your gutters free of debris by investing in a gutter protection system. ABC Seamless Siding is proud to be an authorized dealer for Gutter Helmet®, a premium gutter guard that has a patented nose-forward design that keeps dead leaves and other organic matter out of your gutters. Our positive Gutter guard reviews are proof that the product is the top choice among homeowners for more than three decades.

Call us today at (866) 405-8248 or fill out our contact form to learn how we can help you protect your gutters. We serve residents of Anchorage, Alaska, and surrounding communities.