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We often associate summer with the heat and the outdoors. The same hot and humid conditions, however, also create the ideal conditions for sudden storms. From strong winds to short but heavy rainfall, these weather occurrences can wreak havoc on your home. That said, it is important that you prepare your home for these potential events to prevent or at least minimize the damage. Read on as Mr. Fix It, a local company with excellent gutter guards reviews, shares some tips on how to do so.

Perform a Roof Inspection

An inspection helps you identify any issues that may compromise the structural integrity and functionality of your roofing system and get them fixed before they become worse. Do this at least once or twice a year. With the possibility of storms, it is best to strengthen your roof so that it can withstand intense winds and heavy downpour.

Examine Gaps and Cracks

Rainwater can find its way to the gaps and cracks in the foundation. Coupled with poor water drainage and soil movement, foundation problems may become apparent and may manifest through crooked doors and sticking windows. Be sure to have a professional inspect this part of your home. Also, check if your windows or doors still have their tight seals. Apply new weatherstripping if needed to prevent the entry of water into your home.

Make Your Yard Storm-Proof

Diseased or dead trees are likely to topple when strong winds blow. You don’t want them falling down on your home and causing extensive damage, so have them removed as soon as possible. Also, consider investing in creative landscaping that will channel water away from your home’s foundation and keep your property free from potential flooding.

Clean Your Gutters

Use your free time during the summer to clean your gutters. It can be tedious and time-consuming, but you are making your home prepared for storms by making your gutter system as functional as possible. The absence of clogs allows water run-off to flow away from your home, minimizing the chances of water damage that result in mold.

You can actually invest in a gutter protection system that eliminates the need to clean your gutters. Mr. Fix It, a local company with excellent gutter guards reviews, offers Gutter Helmet®, a system that blocks leaves, pine needles and other debris out of your gutters while allowing rainwater to flow in your gutters freely. Learn more about this amazing product by calling (800) 824-3772 or filling out our contact form. We serve residents of Ashland, Virginia.