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Wrightway Fond du Lac

Roof and Gutter 101: How to Reduce Ice Dams

By November 21, 2014October 18th, 2023No Comments

In the first part of the blog <1st blog URL>, Wrightway, the roofing expert and provider of gutter protection systems in Milwaukee Wisconsin, talked about what ice dams are and how they are formed. Ice dams form when the roof heats up due to inadequate insulation and ventilation.

In this second part of the blog, we’ll be talking about how you can stop ice dams from forming on your roof. The key to reducing ice dam formation is to keep your attic and roof cold through proper insulation and ventilation.

How can you do this? The first step is to make sure that your attic is properly sealed so that warm air from the lower sections of your home’s interiors does not seep through the attic. By keeping your attic cold, your roof will also remain cold. Therefore, the snow won’t melt.

Second, make sure that your attic is well ventilated. If your attic has good ventilation, the cold temperature from the outside can easily leak into the attic while the warm air in your attic will leak out. This will make your attic cooler, thereby keeping your roof from warming up. You can also use a continuous soffit and ridge ventilation system, which can also help in improving your attic’s ventilation.

The third step is to add insulation in your attic. Adequate insulation will help in keeping the warm indoor air inside your home and the cold air in the attic stay where it belongs—inside your attic.

Once you eliminate the danger of ice dams, you may want to check your gutters. Ice dams damage gutters as the weight of the ice can cause your gutters to sag or collapse. If there is damage, you can fix it the right way with Wrightway, the top roofer and gutter expert in the area. We’ll repair your gutters for you. We can also install Gutter Helmet®, the best gutter protection in Milwaukee WI, to ensure that your gutters will be in great condition for longer without you having to clean them regularly.