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High winds can be extremely damaging to different parts of your house, including the gutters. During storms, wind-blown debris, especially ones from trees can hit your home’s exterior. Improperly installed or poorly maintained gutter systems are also more at risk of wind damage. 

Aside from cleaning your gutters with gutter guards, here are more ways to avoid wind damage. 

How Can Wind Damage Your Gutters

Certain parts of gutters can effectively catch wind due to their shape. As a result, they may pull away or get torn off from the house. Your gutters may also experience metal fatigue as they constantly move back and forth during high winds. The repetitive movement can weaken the metal system components, such as the nails and screws. 

Tips to Help You Avoid Them

Keep Trees Surrounding Your Home Trimmed

Trees around your property should be at least two feet away from your home in all directions. It is one of the easiest ways to prevent damage to your roof and gutters during a storm. Trimming trees is also key to prevent gutter clogging.

Do Not Allow Plants Grow Too Close to Your Home’s Exterior

Like trees, bushes and other plants should also be more than two feet away from your home. During an extreme weather event, wind and water can cause twigs and limbs to scratch exterior components like siding, gutters, and roofs. 

You do not have to worry as much about cleaning gutters with gutter guards. At ABC Seamless Siding, our gutter protection systems can help you save more money on repairs and maintenance. Call us at (800) 824-3772 or fill out our contact form to get a free quote. When you choose us, you can only expect superior service and high-quality products with comprehensive warranties. Our team works with homeowners around Anchorage, Alaska. 

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