They might play support to your roof, but your gutters are actually vital to keeping your home dry and damage-free. By channeling rainwater to where it can’t do any harm, they help maintain your home’s structural integrity. They prevent moisture from seeping within your walls, as well. This lets you avoid mold growth and its accompanying health risks.
Gutters, however, are prone to clogs. This, in turn, can lead to a number of issues. This is where Gutter Helmet gutter protection system comes in. Gutter Helmet of Idaho, your provider of quality gutter downspout extension in Garden City, Idaho, and the local area, shares how this excellent system keeps your gutters clog-free.
Gutter Helmet’s Role
Gutter Helmet gutter guards can provide the superior protection that your gutter needs. This patented system uses the concepts of surface tension and gravity. Its exclusive nose-forward design allows rainwater to flow smoothly through your system, while shedding leaves and debris so they fall harmlessly to the ground. Since debris doesn’t accumulate and water doesn’t back up, you can protect your home from extensive water damage. This also frees you from periodic gutter cleaning and maintenance.
This gutter protection system also comes with a number of exceptional features. These include:
• Textured and Ribbed Surface—Gutter Helmet’s ribbed surface and durable construction increases water surface tension and tensile strength, allowing it to withstand the harshest weather conditions, including heavy rainfall, snow loads, and high winds.
• PermaLife™ Finish—This high-performance paint effectively resists fading, chalking, even saltwater corrosion. It also comes in a variety of lovely colors that last longer than regular paint. Choose the color that can complement your home’s roof and décor beautifully.
• Heavy-Duty Mounting Bracket—When you turn to Gutter Helmet of Idaho, your provider of durable gutter downspout extension in Garden City, Idaho,and the surrounding area, for this excellent system, our expert installers will attach it to your roof with reinforced aluminum alloy brackets. Your Gutter Helmet will remain firmly in place, no matter the weather.
• Lifetime Warranty—Installing Gutter Helmet will qualify you for transferable lifetime materials and product performance warranty.
Keep your gutters clog-free with our Gutter Helmet protection systems. Call Gutter Helmet of Idaho today to learn more about this product.