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Summer’s coming to a close and with that, it’s time to start getting your home ready for the changing seasons, as well as address issues that may have cropped up during the warmer months. Is it time to get gutter guards? Should you plan for a new paint job? Home maintenance is a year-round responsibility, but these tasks require your particular attention at the end of summer:


  1. Air Filter Replacement – Air filters require routine changing to ensure your HVAC system works as it should all the time. This means not just reliable comfort for you, no matter your desired indoor temperatures, but that you enjoy high indoor air quality as well to help ensure your health.

  1. Fireplace Inspection – As the summer ends, your cooling needs start to wane while your heating requirements start to increase. Make sure you have all you need to stay warm and toasty during the fall and winter by having your fireplace cleaned and inspected. If you require firewood, this is also the perfect time to start stocking up.

  1. Gutter Cleaning – Over the summer, leaves, twigs and other debris may have accumulated on your gutters, posing a clog risk. You don’t want this problem during winter because it can prevent runoff from being properly directed away from your property, potentially resulting in ice dams. Tired of regularly cleaning your gutters? Consider investing in gutter protection systems designed to keep debris out and prevent gutter clogs forever.

For top-quality gutter guards, look no further than Chattahoochee Gutter Co, Inc. With our expertise, we are confident we can guarantee  the best results for you, ensuring you make the most of your gutter system. To learn more about what we can do for you, simply give us a call at (866) 882-5641. Ask us for a FREE quote today! We serve Salem, Alabama and the surrounding communities.