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In an attempt to reduce maintenance costs, many homeowners prefer to try their hand at DIY improvement projects. This includes gutter cleaning. While it’s easy to look up step-by-step guides for this task, it’s important to understand the risks of DIY work. Let Chattahoochee Gutter Co., Inc., the area’s top provider of the best rain gutter system, discuss why you should avoid doing this on your own:

Gutter Cleaning

Risks Of Accidents

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), falls are common worldwide. Even if you have the proper tools, it only takes a slip to fall and sustain injuries. Medical expenses from this kind of accident can be substantial, which easily defeats the purpose of saving money from DIY work.

Health Problems

Gunked-up gutters create a thriving environment for mold and bacterial growth, which can trigger any existing health conditions. Possible illnesses include coughing, nasal stuffiness, and throat irritation. Experts are aware of this problem, which is why they make sure to observe safety protocols. They have the right skills and equipment to thoroughly clean your gutters, even the hard-to-reach areas.

Impaired Protection

What seems to be a simple mistake can cause unintended damage to your gutters. Your ladder, for instance, can dent your gutters. The tools you’re using might also puncture the seams in the system. In turn, you might have to deal with costly problems.

Because of these hazards, many homeowners have decided to invest in Gutter Helmet®, the ultimate solution to gutter woes. This gutter protection system has innovative features, such as the ribbed surface and nose-forward design, to allow an unimpeded water flow. By blocking leaves, twigs, and other debris with no work on your part, you can keep your gutters healthy for years to come. In turn, you’ll save a lot of time and effort in upkeep duties.

Turn to Chattahoochee Gutter Co., In. for the best rain gutter system. To learn more about the features and benefits of Gutter Helmet, give us a call us at (866) 882-5641. You can also ask for a free estimate. We serve Salem and surrounding areas in Alabama.