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Where Does the Snow Go? Not in Your Gutter, Best Gutter Guards Claim

By February 20, 2014No Comments

Winter returns with a vengeance, and American states are witnessing (and feeling) its chilling comeback. Bart Jansen and Rick Jervis of USA TODAY paint a picture of the frozen state of the American east side in their news report:

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A swath of heavy snow and ice that hit the eastern USA on Sunday – from West Virginia to Philadelphia – dumping snow on NFL fields and causing highway pileups threatened to disrupt commuters on Monday morning.

The snow came from an arctic blast of frigid air that froze highways in the middle of the country over the weekend and knocked power out to thousands of homes.

While it is important to acknowledge the wrath that heavy snowfall can bring on a large scale, it is also significant to magnify the equally problematic aftermath of snow at the micro level. If snow can freeze highways, imagine the damage it can bring to your homes.

The downpour of snow and ice on your roof might make your homes look nice. However, the snow and ice mixture that covers your roof and lands on your gutters can cause unfortunate damage.

Gutters capture the water that hits your roof. During winter, water comes in the form of snow and may cause denser clogging. Gutter maintenance can be costly due to how frequent it should be done. To keep the snow and ice away, and keep the costs at bay, be sure to use only the best gutter guards available.

With its narrow slit, a gutter guard prevents natural substances like snow from entering your gutters. The slit then leads the snow down to where it should be. In that way, the best gutter guard guarantees that cleaning your gutters often won’t be needed anymore.

Gutter guards are now more widely available. Companies like Gutter Helmet® have dealers all over the country. This winter season, you might need a gutter protection system to keep the elemental trespassers away.

(Article Information and Image from Freezing temperatures bring pileups, blackouts, USA TODAY, December 9, 2013)