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Lessen the Effects of Stormwater Runoff with Smart Landscaping

By August 6, 2015October 17th, 2023No Comments

Many parts of the United States have experienced usually high amounts of rainfall in recent months. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration reports that nationally, May 2015 was the wettest month of any on record. In days gone by, nearly all rainwater fell onto soil and was slowly absorbed by trees, grass, shrubs and wildflowers. This layer of organic matter was able to manage large volumes of rainwater from heavy storms. Today, much of the surface of urban areas is covered with pavement, roofs and thick lawns which absorb little or no water. As a result, water is forced to flow over these surfaces and can cause dramatic damage to landscaping around homes and businesses.

Stop Water Damage Naturally

Wide carpets of green grass look inviting but are not good absorbers of heavy rain when it falls. To make your lawn healthier and better able to manage heavy downpours, consider reducing the size of the lawn itself and opting for a more natural landscape that includes native plants. These help to hold soil in place and filter rainwater – and as a bonus, they don’t require the use of pesticides and herbicides to thrive. When the weather turns dry, you’ll also enjoy a more drought-resistant lawn and garden since native plants are hardier than non-native turf grasses commonly planted on lawns.

Another tip to manage rainwater is to not “scalp” your lawn, or mow it too short. When grass is repeatedly cut shorter than two-and-a-half inches, it goes into a state of shock and root growth is stunted. Poorly developed roots can’t absorb as much rainwater when it falls.

A rain garden is another technique to prevent landscape erosion. Rain gardens temporarily collect storm water runoff and allow it to slowly be absorbed into the soil.

Gutter Helmet® Prevents Landscape Damage

Another helpful tool to prevent landscape damage is the Gutter Helmet® gutter protection system. Gutter Helmet® stops the gutter clogs that can lead to overflowing gutters and damage to a home and landscaping. These gutter guards have been tested to handle 22 inches of rainfall per hour, almost twice the heaviest rainfall ever recorded by the U.S. Weather Service.

Call Gutter Helmet® at (800) 824-3772 to discuss your gutter protection needs and schedule a free in-home consultation.