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Analysts have forecast that gutter and roof vacuum cleaner sales will grow at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 7.3% between 2018 and 2022. In this post, Chattahoochee Gutter Co., Inc. takes an in-depth look at how this prediction will affect gutter guard companies and homeowners alike.

Gutter and Roof Vacuum Cleaners

Gutter and roof vacuum cleaners are used to remove dirt from gutters and roofs. These units are more powerful than typical home vacuum cleaners and are often used with snorkel-shaped attachments to reach gutter troughs from the ground. Other attachments can be used for specific applications, like scooping gutter bottoms.

Recent sales trends indicate an increase in the purchase of gutter and roof vacuum cleaners. One factor that seems to affect the vacuum cleaner market is the adoption of smart features that increase efficiency. For gutter cleaning services, this helps improve turnaround times and workload capacity without compromising quality.

Gutter Cleaning Is Booming

One of the drivers of this trend is the increase of homeowners who are realizing the benefits of clean gutters. In addition to efficiently routing rainwater, clean gutters also help minimize instances of the rain backing up into the roof deck. Regular gutter cleaning also helps prolong the gutters’ life span and avoid costly repairs or even an unplanned replacement. The increasing gutter and roof vacuum cleaner sales indicate that cleaning businesses are thriving, with more homeowners getting their gutters cleaned professionally.

More homeowners are also choosing alternatives to periodic gutter cleaning, such as investing in gutter protection systems like Gutter Helmet®. In a nutshell, gutter protection systems prevent solids from getting into the gutters, allowing rainwater to pass through.

Unlike most gutter protection systems or the extremely hard-to-clean gutter guard brushes, Gutter Helmet sheds detritus onto the ground. This results in a clean roof edge, less chance of accumulated dirt, and improved long-term gutter performance.

Looking for local gutter guard companies? GIve Chattahoochee Gutter Co., Inc. a call at (866) 882-5641 or fill out our contact form. We serve customers in Salem, Alabama, and the surrounding areas.