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Gutter Helmet of Northern Minnesota Duluth

Gutter Helmet®: Using the Concept of Surface Tension

By June 19, 2017October 18th, 2023No Comments

Like any other parts of your home, your gutters require special attention. Gutters need to be healthy all year round because they safeguard your roofing, foundation, and landscaping. A smart solution to achieve this is to invest in a gutter protection system.

gutter protection

Gutter Helmet® remains the top choice for gutter protection. It has exceptional qualities that other gutter protection systems can’t match. It maximizes your gutter’s potential by applying the concept of surface tension. Let Gutter Helmet of Northern Minnesota discuss this further.

The Surface Tension Principle

Surface tension is the quality of liquids that make them resist external forces. Their molecules’ cohesive response causes them to act in various ways. You can observe this by dropping water slowly on a coin. The droplets join together since they have similar molecules. When there are no more alike molecules on their sides to grasp on to, they adhere to the surface. That’s why Gutter Helmet uses this concept to effectively manage water flow.

For improved surface tension, Gutter Helmet comes with a textured surface. This allows water to flow naturally downwards instead of spilling over the sides. In fact, it can handle up to 22 inches of rain per hour without overflowing. This way, it can tolerate the heaviest downpours to keep your home free of water damage.

More of Gutter Helmet’s Unique Features

Unlike ordinary gutter protection systems, Gutter Helmet has a small slit and no vertical openings to prevent leaves, needles, and other debris from entering your gutters. Then its innovative nose-forward design allows debris to fall off the edge. This will keep your gutters clog-free for a long time.

Gutter Helmet also has a sturdy construction. It is made of lightweight yet durable aluminum. We secure it using top-quality mounting brackets. These keep the gutter guard intact even throughout the worst weather conditions. Furthermore, it features a PermaLife™ coating that withstands chalking, corrosion, and fading. By providing lasting protection and charm for your home, Gutter Helmet is truly the best gutter protection system on the market.

Turn to Gutter Helmet of Northern Minnesota for a worry-free gutter guard installation. We serve Culver and surrounding areas in Minnesota. Call us today at (866) 937-3508 for a free quote.