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Gutter Helmet®: Applying Surface Tension

By February 15, 2017October 18th, 2023No Comments

It’s important to keep your gutter system in top shape for it to continue redirecting rainwater away from your home’s foundation. After all, excessive water exposure can damage it and put your home’s overall structure at risk. That said, maintaining your gutters regularly is difficult and time consuming. Investing in Gutter Helmet® gutter guards in Fort Worth, Texas, however,  is a great solution.

Gutter Helmet®

This brand of gutter protection system applies surface tension principle to ensure smooth water runoff and RBC Roofing shows how this works.

Surface Tension

Surface tension refers to the property of liquids that helps them withstand external forces. It’s when liquid molecules hold tightly to one another, causing peculiar features, such as how a needle floats on the water’s surface or how droplets form.

How Gutter Helmet Applies Surface Tension

Our patented gutter guards in Fort Worth, Texas, feature a nose-forward design and ribbed surface for added tensile strength. They use gravity and surface tension to make sure that rainwater clings to their surface as it flows down instead of spilling to the sides. Meanwhile, its nose-forward design ensures this water flows into a narrow slit while filtering out debris such as leaves and pine needles.

Features That Makes Gutter Helmet Long-Lasting

In addition to its efficient debris-blocking qualities, Gutter Helmet is made of lightweight but durable aluminum. It also comes with a PermaLife™ finish that protects it from the elements. It’s also mounted on your roof using reinforced aluminum alloy brackets to keep it in place, despite severe weather conditions.

Additionally, we have years of experience and training installing it and most top roofing manufacturers approve of our installation methods. This means that our installation will not compromise your roof’s existing warranties for your peace of mind.

Count on RBC Roofing to provide you with gutter guards that use the latest technology for efficient and lasting performance. Call us today at (866) 676-9805 for a FREE estimate.