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Painted surfaces on your home’s exterior are exposed to wear, under the same conditions the roof and gutters are exposed to. In today’s post, ABC Seamless Siding, provider of the gutter protection system with the gutter guards reviews Gutter Helmet®, discusses common exterior paint problems and how to fix and prevent them.

exterior siding painting gutter guards reviews


Blistering on painted surfaces happens when moisture is trapped between the substrate and the paint layer. It could be caused by one or more of the following:

• Painting Under Direct Sunlight — This would dry out the paint too quickly and trap its vapors underneath.

• Painting on Damp Surfaces — Trapped moisture on the wood would rise when exposed to heat but remain trapped under the paint layer.

• Painting Under High Outdoor Humidity — This includes painting when it’s raining. Blistering usually forms when one uses latex paint.

• Trapped Moisture In the Exterior Walls — Moisture may escape from the indoors and make its way through until it reaches the paint layer.

Blisters will have to be scraped, dried, and repainted, taking care to avoid the conditions described above. Also, make it a point to address where the unwanted moisture is coming from. For example, if blisters happen to form where gutters seem to be overflowing, make sure that is addressed.


Alligatoring is characterized by cracks on the painted surface that resemble alligator skin. This happens when the second coat of paint is applied over a primer or base coat that’s not fully dried, or when the two coats of paint are incompatible. The difference in moisture or oil content, or thermal expansion rates, resulting in cracks that develop over time. Such surfaces will also need to be scraped and repainted, using correct paint types and procedures.

Sagging or Running

On supposedly smooth surfaces, one can easily identify sagging or running paint because that’s exactly what it looks like. This is usually caused by using paint that’s too thick, too thin, or unevenly applied. Painting glossy surfaces without priming them first will also have the same effect. Sometimes this can happen before the paint is dry, in which case you should be able to correct it by using a brush or roller to redistribute the excess paint. By avoiding the mistakes mentioned above and applying correct painting techniques, one should be able to prevent and avoid sagging paint.

ABC Seamless Siding is your leading provider of Gutter Helmet®, the gutter protection with the best gutter guards reviews. Give us a call at (800) 824-3772. You can also fill out our contact form to schedule an appointment. We serve customers in Anchorage, Alaska, and surrounding communities.