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3 Tips on Avoiding Roof Scammers: Spotlight on Storm Chasers

By August 17, 2015October 18th, 2023No Comments

The roof is an important part of your home, so it’s understandable that you invest in it. Unfortunately, many unsuspecting homeowners often fall prey to roofing scams. It’s necessary that you know how to tell the real deal from what isn’t. Follow these three tips:

1. Be aware of the red flags

Storm chasers are perhaps the most infamous among roof scammers. They show up at your doorstep right after a storm. They have no permanent place of business, as they travel from state to state looking for homes that sustained damage from the bad weather.

Usually, you can tell these frauds apart by taking note of their unrealistic offers, such as discounts that are too good to be true. Perhaps the most alarming sign is asking you to sign a contract on the same day. That’s one thing you should never do.

Always ask your contractors for a written estimate, with a detailed breakdown of expenses. Reliable contractors will even provide a free inspection before they start laying down numbers in front of you.

2. Do your research

Storm chasers often don’t carry licenses, as they’re constantly on the move from one town to the next. Don’t take this lightly; documents like permits and insurance certificates actually protect you from fraudulent activity. These are signs of a contractor’s reliability, proof that the state legally allows them to work on your home.

Ask for client references as well. If your contractors are storm chasers, they’re unlikely to have any list to present to you. On the off chance that they do, call up these references and ask detailed questions regarding the contractor’s work. If you have to check previous projects in person to be convinced of the quality of services, feel to do just that.

3. Only work with reliable professionals

When hiring contractors, remember the two E’s: experience and expertise.  Not every contractor knows how to install gutter covers in Albert Lea MN, or the surrounding areas, and not all those who do have actually done it for a long time. For something as valuable as your roof, you need to trust only those with the sufficient knowledge and time in the business to get the job done right.

At Home Solutions Midwest, we believe that there are no shortcuts to good business. Rather than resort to unreliable deals and quick fixes, we choose to let the quality of our services speak for us. Give us a call to experience the difference yourself!