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When perusing the countless testimonials posted on the Gutter Helmet® reviews page, one thing is apparent: the success of gutter installation can be traced to the high quality of the product and excellent workmanship from the installer. It’s true that anything less than the best can pose dangers to you and your gutters, and believing otherwise might only set you up for the following problems:

3 Common Problems With Low-Quality Gutter Guards

Inefficient Performance

Homeowners are typically averse to anything with a steep price tag and tend to gravitate towards cheaper alternatives instead. But when it comes to gutter guards, opting for the cut-price substitute often comes at a cost – the quality suffers. Low quality gutter guards offer very little resistance to bad weather, are prone to break easily, and might not be able to measure up to standard gutter performance in general.


Subpar gutter guards can cause damage to your roof especially when they have not been installed properly. They can slide underneath the shingles, exposing your roof and gutter system and making them susceptible to premature deterioration. Inferior materials greatly compromise the structural integrity and performance of your house as a whole.


The labor costs that you had hoped to cut back on might go to your hospital bills instead, as attempts to perform DIY gutter guard installation may result in injuries. A low-quality gutter guard system is a liability not only to your home’s structural soundness, but also to your well-being.

Our advice is to invest in high-quality gutter guards and in a reliable gutter installation company, like Gutter Helmet of Eastern Shore. You need only to read the Gutter Helmet reviews to know that we are highly capable of making your gutter installation a success story rather than a cautionary tale. Give us a call at  (866) 333-8150 if you have any questions about our Never Clean Your Gutters Again® promise. We serve Salisbury and other areas in Maryland.